Volume 8, support systems, discusses system interfaces, troubleshooting, subsystems, dry air, cooling, and power systems. Kumaraswamy, rvce, bangalore unit 4 loop antennas unit 6 antenna types unit 4. Antenna and wave propagation ec6602 notes anna university. Volume 7, antennas and wave propagation, is an introduction to wave propagation, as it pertains to electronics technicians, and shipboard and shorebased antennas. This course will cover the fundamentals of antenna, dipole antennas, monopole antennas, loop antennas, slot antennas. Contents 1 introduction 1 2 types of antennas 3 3 radiation mechanism 5 4 current distribution on a thin wire antenna 9. As we have covered all topics but the topics provided in the notes are not tabulated.
Lecture notes wave propagation mechanical engineering. A radio wave propagates through space in one of three ways. While a rigorous analysis of an antenna is highly mathematical, often a simpli. Here you can download the free lecture notes of antenna and wave propagation notes pdf awp notes pdf materials with multiple file links to download. Introduction an antenna is an electrical conductor or.
Gate preparation, nptel video lecture dvd, electronicsandcommunicationengineering, antennaandwavepropagation, ductpropagation, antenna parameters, gain. When you have completed this chapter, you should be able to discuss the basic principles of wave propagation and the atmospheres effects on wave propagation. Antennas and propogation 06ec64 enotes topic subject matter experts unit 1 antenna basics prof. Skywave propagation related terms y skywave propagation refers to radio wave propagation via the ionosphere. Vtu notes antennas and propogation for 6th sem ece. Antenna and wave propagation, awp study materials, engineering class handwritten notes, exam notes, previous year questions, pdf free download. Pdf ec6602 antenna and wave propagation lecture notes. Antenna and wave propagation duct propagation exam study. Antenna principlespotential functions and electromagnetic field, current elements, radiation from monopole and wave dipole, network theorems, directional properties of dipole antenna, antenna gain, effective area, antenna terminal impedance, antenna as an opened out transmission line, practical antennas and methods of excitation, transmission loss between antennas, antenna. Antennas and propagation sjbit notes everything vtu 2. Click here to get antennas and propagation sjbit notes.
Antenna and wave propagation pdf notes book starts with the topics covering antenna basics, thin linear wire antennas, antenna arrays. Notes antenna and wave propagation awp lecturenotes. The skywave propagates from the antenna upward where it is bent back to earth by the. Transmitting and receiving antennas must be within line of sight o satellite communication. The ground wave is only effective on frequencies below 3 mhz. An antenna or aerial is an electrical device which converts electric power into radio waves, and vice versa.
In twoway communication, the same antenna can be used for transmission and reception antenna characteristics are the same for transmitting or receiving electromagnetic energy. Antenna fundamentals introduction, radiation mechanism single wire, 2 wire, dipoles, current distribution on a thin wire antenna. Since this has now become such a huge subject, the choice was to present a new approach we have developed largely by r. Pdf ee8251 circuit theory lecture notes, books, important 2 marks questions.
Antennas and wave propagation ebooks, presentations. K, bmsce, bangalore unit 2 point, sources and arrays prof. April 15 pdf be8252 basic civil and mechanical lecture notes, books, important 2. Learn this aspect of electronics online because a good understanding of what happens after a signal leaves a transmitter and before it enters the recever itself is essential for anyone involved in radio or wireless technology. Download antenna and wave propagation by yadava, r. Introduction, basic antenna parameters patterns, beam. Ec306 antenna and wave propagation study materials s6 ece. Syllabus, question banks, books, lecture notes, important part a 2 marks questions and important part b 16 mark questions, previous years question papers collections. An antenna acts as a transitional structure between the guiding device e. Eq hplane half wave dipole height hence giridhar, lossless data compression for internet access in cordect wireless local loop system, in proc.
To introduce the fundamental principles of antenna theory and various types of antennas. Area, radiation intensity, beam efficiency, directivitygain. Radiation mechanism, poynting vector, steradian concept, power intensity. An antenna having a physical length that is onehalf wavelength of the applied frequency is called a hertz antenna or a halfwave dipole antenna. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. In any current course on wave propagation, it seemed essential to mention, at least, the quite amazing results being found on exact, solutions for the kortewegde vries equation and related equations. Unit i antenna fundamentals unit ii thin linear wire antennas unit iii antenna arrays unit iv nonresonant radiators unit v vhf, uhf and microwave antennas i unit vi vhf, uhf and microwave antennas ii unit vii wave propagation i unit viii wave propagation ii please find the relevant files attached. Notes for antenna and wave propagation awp 0 lecture notes, notes, pdf free download, engineering notes, university notes, best pdf notes, semester, sem, year, for all, study material. Ec306 antenna and wave propagation study materials s6. The free space power received by a receiver antenna which is separated from a radiating transmitter antenna by a distance d, is given by the friis free space. Sky waves ionospheric wave the energy radiated by an antenna, that is sky wave, would be wasted energy as far as radio communication is concerned if it is continued on its path and did not return to earth but under certain conditions it is reflected from the ionosphere. Arathi r shankar, bmsce, bangalore unit 3 electric dipoles and thin linear antennas dr. Antennas are metallic structures designed for radiating and receiving electromagnetic energy. Rinku mukherjee,department of applied mechanics, iit madras.
Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. Serkan aksoy 2008 4 these lecture notes are heavily based on the book of antenna theory and design by w. Hertz antennas are not found at frequencies below 2mhz because of the physical size needed of the antenna to represent a halfwave. The ground or surface wave leaves the antenna and follows the curvature of the earth. Above 30 mhz neither ground nor sky wave propagation operates. Antenna parameters radiation patterns, patterns in principal planes, main lobe and side lobes, beamwidths, beam area, radiation intensity, beam efficiency, directivity, gain and resolution, antenna apertures, aperture efficiency, effective height related. E and h oscillate in phase and ratio of their amplitudes is constant and is equal to. Communication link and friis transmission equation radiation integrals and auxiliary potential functions part1 radiation integrals and auxiliary potential functions part2. A separate chapter on mathematical preliminaries is discussed followed by chapters on every aspect of antennas from maxwells equations to antenna array. Only that component of the wave whose electric field matches the antenna polarization state is detected.
Hitesh dholakiya has covered all the topics of antenna and wave propagation for basics of course and for. Antennas and propagation ranga rodrigo may 2, 2010 lecture notes are fully based on books, balanis 1 kraus etal. This playlist includes videos regarding antenna and wave propagation. Note for antenna and wave propagation awp by kvsakhil. Tech sixth semester electronics and communication engineering s6 ece branch subject, ec306 antenna and wave propagation notes, textbook, syllabus, question papers, previous question papers, solved university question papers are given here as per. Ec6602 antenna and wave propagation awp syllabus unit i fundamentals of radiation definition of antenna parameters gain, directivity, effective aperture, radiation resistance. Antenna engineering, antenna theory and design description. This handwritten notes on antenna and wave propagation has been provided for the students of all department from any college be it mumbai university, pune university, anna university, nptel or any other college across the globe but the source of this notes is anna university. However, there can be some confusion surrounding the language used to specify antennas as well as the basic function of each type of antenna. It is usually used with a radio transmitter or radio receiver. Sky waves may undergo reflection and refraction or both.
Ec6602 antenna and wave propagation awp syllabus unit i fundamentals of radiation definition of antenna parameters gain, directivity, effective aperture, radiation resistance, band width, beam width, input impedance. Antennas and wave propagation is written for the first course on the same. Phones and other electronic gadgets are not allowed. Eq hplan e half wav e dipol e height henc e iee e antennas and wireless propagation letters, vol. Antenna and wave propagation awp study materials pdf. Ktu s6 ece ec306 antenna and wave propagation notes, textbook, syllabus, question papers, previous question papers, solved. The book begins with an introduction that discusses the fundamental concepts, notations, representation and principles that govern the field of antennas.
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